The following are recommendations based on my experience with helping others and myself in healing and recovery. 

PLEASE NOTE:  These are all recommendations based on my experience.  I hope that you have a wonderful experience with these providers and/or products, but I make no guarantee that these services or products will meet your needs.   

BOOKS: (All Links Are For Amazon)
supplements: (All Links Are For Amazon)
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As with any purchase you make on the internet, be sure to perform your own due diligence before buying any products or services offered from anyone on the internet. This includes products or services offered on this website or any other website.

Connections & Relationships, Financial and Otherwise

Products sold or recommended on this website may be products that are created, owned or maintained by the owners of this site, or they may be products created and owned by other businesses. When a product or service that is created, owned or maintained by other business is recommended or promoted on this site, it will be clearly identified.

In the case of physical products, books, audio books and supplements reviewed and/or recommended on the blog or as part of one of our programs or courses, you should assume that they are created, owned and maintained by other businesses and that we may receive an affiliate commission should you purchase them through a link on our site.

All Recommendations are Made in Good Faith

The owners of this site make recommendations based upon their good faith belief that the product or service will benefit the purchaser.

Typically, these recommendations are based on one or more of the following:

a) the owners have used the product or taken part in a course, program or service themselves; b) the owners have used other products or taken part in another course, program or service by the provider and found them to be of high quality, and they have a good faith belief that this product will also reflect that provider’s high standards; c) the owners have researched the product and provider and have a good faith belief and makes the recommendation on the basis of the provider’s history related to product and service provision.

The owners make every effort to provide their honest opinion and feedback so that prospective purchasers can make their own decisions about whether to purchase the product or service.

How Might the Owners Be Biased in Making Recommendations?

Sometimes the owners might be biased (consciously or subconsciously) toward recommending a specific product or service due to the fact that they have been or will be compensated for purchases made as a result of that recommendation.

Other times, the owners may have a personal relationship with the provider of the products or services that may influence their decision to recommend a product or service. This relationship may be through having met the provider, having a previous, current or planned business relationship with the provider, or perhaps the relationship is due to the provider having purchased products or services from the owners in the past.

If you are considering buying a product or service on the recommendation of the owners, always do your due diligence first, and understand that there is likely some bias involved in the recommendations being made.

How Might the Owners Be Compensated?

There are many ways that business owners might receive compensation or benefit related to their recommendations. These include receiving products or services free or at a reduced price or receiving money as a result of mentioning or recommending a product or service on their site or through their marketing efforts, including emails to their list and through social networking. The owners might also receive reciprocal mention of one of their products or services from the product provider as a result of their recommendation.

Many of these recommended products or services are offered through the use of affiliate links, so that when you purchase a product or service after clicking on the affiliate link provided on this site, the owners will receive some sort of compensation as a result.

Do You Have Questions?

While the owners make every effort to be transparent when they offer or recommend products or services provided by others, you may have questions that you would like to have answered about a particular product or service, or the relationship or compensation related to that product or service.

If so, please contact the owners directly and get answers to your questions before you make a purchase of a product or service recommended on this site.

The owner’s goal is that you make the best decisions you can make about the products and services you purchase, and that you have a good experience on the owners’ sites, as well as with the products and services you purchase directly from them, or as a result of their recommendations.

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